Absolute return
It is a strategy that aims to produce returns regardless of the performance of the main financial indices. Basically, the aim is to obtain a constant return, regardless of the contingent situation of the markets, while at the same time keeping risk under careful control and recognizing a certain degree of operational freedom and flexibility to the manager.
Bearish position
We have a bearish position when the entity carrying out financial transactions operates in such a way as to make profits if there are drops in the prices of the securities that are directly or indirectly involved in the transactions.
A bearish operation basically consists in taking a short position.
The financial broker is a person who, on behalf of its customers and on the latter’s mandate, buys and sells specific assets according to the needs and preferences of the principal. The financial broker can be a legal or physical person, and acts as an intermediary figure between the client and the markets in which the financial products are traded. The broker allows you to trade on a number of different asset classes, including stocks, bonds, options, currencies, real estate and even insurance.
Bullish position
We have a bullish position when the person who carries out financial transactions operates in such a way as to make profits if there are rises in the prices of the securities that are directly or indirectly involved in the transactions.
A bullish operation basically consists in taking a long position.
Copy trading or mirror trading
Mirror trading, or copy trading, is a form of investment that consists in the use of automated third party strategies to replicate the operations of professional investors.
The mirror trading program allows the investor to carry out operations on the financial market without him directly making decisions or placing orders on the platform.
The drawdown is the term used to indicate the loss that a trader may face. It is a fundamental concept in money management as it measures the risk in terms of losses of a trading strategy and therefore helps to evaluate its degree of volatility and efficiency: essentially it indicates the amount of money (as a percentage of the total capital) that you risked losing during trading, and consequently the potential reduction of your initial capital.
Grids and martingale
The mechanism of the “grid” consists in the placement of pending orders in equidistant points from each other. This system sets buy orders at regular intervals below the current market price and sell orders above the current price; usually the market in which this trading technique is most used is the currency one.
The martingale is a grid that doubles the orders in case the market goes against our positions. In this way, an attempt is made to recover the loss by increasing the exposure pending a market reversal. In the long run, these methodologies always prove to be unsuccessful and are the most distant from our investment philosophy!
High water mark
The customer pays only when the account is profitable in the long run. If, in fact, an increase is followed by a reduction in the value of the assets, the customer will not pay commissions until th previously recorded maximum is exceeded. The high-water mark is the method that best aligns the manager’s interest with that of the customer, because it provides an incentive to seek growing performance in the long term.
Latency arbitration
The “Arbitrage” is an operational strategy that allows to obtain profits by exploiting the differences between values (prices/quotations in our case) offered by different brokers. In this sense, the concept of “latency” must be framed: to be able to earn through this strategy it is necessary to be able to beat traditional traders (and operational counterparties) over time, and to do so it is necessary to be the first in the order queues present on the books negotiation. “The first order to be queued at certain price levels will be the first to be executed”, and to be there as first you have to be faster than the others, or simply take advantage of the broker’s price delays.
Loan for use
The loan is a contract by which one party delivers a good or service to the other, so that it can be used for a specific time or use, with the obligation to return the same good or service received.
The loan for use is essentially free. In our case we provide our services to our users without any fixed or direct cost: simply a percentage commission is charged on the profits generated thanks to our system.
Online trading
Online trading consists in the electronic trading, through access to the stock exchanges, of the main financial instruments (shares, bonds, futures, options, commodities, etc.) by means of a computer or other electronic devices. Trading allows you to buy and sell online with low commissions, evaluating quotes and charts in real time, and using tools for technical analysis; it usually takes place in the time that elapses from the opening of the trading venues, at 09.00, until closing, at 17.30. The online trading platform is made available by authorized international intermediaries called Brokers.
Segregated accounts
A segregated account is a separate bank account distinct from the broker’s own account with which you are registered. Basically, your money is held in a “private” account with a third party banking institution. So you are protected in the event that the Broker should have economic difficulties one day: your capital cannot be claimed by any creditors of the Broker.
Tight stop loss
Among the tools that we find on the trading platforms, one of those that we absolutely must know how to handle is the OPERATIONAL STOP LOSS (more commonly “stop loss”, simply).
In trading, there are two equally important needs: getting the maximum possible profit from positive trades, but also minimizing the losses coming from wrong trades.
In fact, we must not forget that our result is the balance between the operations closed at a profit and those with a loss, so we must pay the same attention to both those assessments that turn out to be successful and to forecasts that turn out to be incorrect.
Trading System
A trading system is a set of algorithms that formulate buy and sell signals without any discretion or subjective element. These signals are mostly generated by technical indicators or combinations of technical indicators. The main objective of a trading system is to manage risk and increase profitability in any market context. Our trading system is based on several decorrelated mathematical algorithms.